Makerfabs 2025 Spring Festival Holiday Notice: 27/01/2025-04/02/2025
This is an Arduino Nano + NodeMCU IOT Kit for starters. The kit includes two main Boards: Arduino Nano and NodeMCU mini, and 18 Kinds of the most popular used sensors and actuators such as Ultrasonic Ranger, OLED, stepper driver, etc. A breadboard and some jumper wires are also included to make this kit appropriate for starters using the kit by plug-and-play. With this kit, you can easily create your own IoT project by using any programming tools such as Arduino IDE, Visuino
, Lua or RAD Studio.
This kit is an official kit for IoT Boot Camp 2017 that is powered by
RAD Studio (Delphi or C++Builder)+ RAD Server+ Visuino.
Thanks for the help of guys from IoT Boot Camp, wish your everybody have a good time in this campaign.