This DC driver supply a way for direct DC driving, with MaTouch ESP32, users can control 2 channel DC motor speed, and monitor the relative speed/driver current easy.
This item is basically composed of MaTouch 1.28” and high efficiency H-bridge. This 2 channel H-bridge is based on 8 pcs of N-channel MOSFET IRF3205S and 4 pcs half-bridge motor controller IR2104, to control the driver speed/direct. With this item you can control two channel DC motors with max current up to 5A with 22v voltage. This Driver also equipment with current sensor INA219 for both channels.
This item is shipped by default with 1 pcs JGB37 Geared DC motor with encoder. With Makerfabs default firmware UI, the motor rotation speed/current can be directly monitored. You can also select to order extra 1 sets of DC Motor.
MaTouch 1.28” ToolSets are series of ESP32-based products mainly consist of MaTouch 1.28” controller and kinds of functional expansion such as Dimmer/ Relay Controller/ Motor Driver, etc. It’s designed as tools to control/drive these actuators directly while also keep open hardware/software, which make it possible for users’ remaking and integration to other field projects.
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